If your MiiTel Phone Chrome Extension also starts to make a call when you click to call on Salesforce, the following may be the cause of the problem. Please read the details below.
Click to call is enabled on MiiTel Phone Chrome Extension and MiiTel for Salesforce
Most likely, you may have enabled the click to call feature on both the MiiTel Phone Chrome Extension and MiiTel for Salesforce. Suppose you do a click to call on Salesforce with these settings. In this case, both MiiTel Phones (Salesforce and Chrome Extension version) will be activated, leading you to make a phone call from both phones.
Please check and change the following settings. On Salesforce, use click to call by Make a call with Salesforce's click to call feature.
- Click the MiiTel icon on your browser, then click Options.
- Uncheck Enable click to call feature on Salesforce.
- Click Save.