I cannot log in to MiiTel or I get logged out automatically after logging in

If you are experiencing problems logging in or getting logged out automatically after logging in to your MiiTel Phone, the following may be the cause of the problem. Please try each of the following solutions.

Affected by browser extensions

Some ad-blocking/anti-tracking browser extensions (e.g. Ghostery, Adblock Plus, Allow-Control-Allow-Origin) can prevent you from maintaining your login status. For these cases, including the MiiTel URL ( *.miitel.jp *.miitel.net/) or removing the browser extension will solve the issue.

Affected by cookies

If you are unable to log in to your Salesforce MiiTel Phone, cookies may be the cause of the problem. For instructions on how to fix this issue, please check Unable to log in to MiiTel Phone in Salesforce.

You are not authorized to use MiiTel Phone

To log in and use your MiiTel Phone, your account needs to be authorized. Please login to MiiTel Admin with the manager role and check Authorization settings for each service


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