
The topic feature allows you to visualize when and what topics were discussed based on the words spoken during the online meeting. (This feature is only available for Japanese meeting histories.)

  Permissions or subscriptions required

  • You must be subscribed to MiiTel Meetings or MiiTel RecPod.


Set the words used to determine the topic

To use this feature, you would first need to register the topics in the settings so that the meeting topic can be determined. Also, register the keywords that are likely to be spoken and can be determined as a topic.

  1. Visit and log in to MiiTel Analytics.
  2. Click cog-solid__1_.svg Open MiiTel Admin on the top right of the page.
  3. Click Speech Analysis > Topic.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Click Add topic to set the topic name. (You can register up to 6 topics.)
  6. In Keyword, enter words that are expected to be spoken and separate them by commas. (MiiTel will determine the topic, depending on what keywords were spoken during the meeting.)


  •   The keywords must be entered with the same notation or nuance as they are displayed in the transcription results.
  •   When registering keywords such as abbreviations (RFI, RFP, etc.), product names, etc., they should also be registered in the User dictionary so that MiiTel can recognize them easily to make the transcript.

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  1. Click Save.


  •  You can create up to 6 topics.
  • The topic name can be up to 10 characters long.
  • A keyword can be up to 100 characters long.
  • You can set up to 20 keywords per topic.
  • The topic name cannot be changed once it has been saved.
  • If you change or add keywords, they will not be applied to the past meeting histories.
  • If you delete a topic that has already been created, the deleted topic that was already determined in the past meeting histories will also be deleted.
  •   The default topic names and keywords are as follows. (JP only)
Topic name Keyword
ニーズ 軽減, 懸念, 課題, 背景, 効果, 利益, 効率, 成果, 改善, 解決, 向上
予算 予算, 料金, 費用対効果, お金, 価格, 値段, 金額, いくら, 高い, 安い, ディスカウント, 割引, 値引き, 見積もり, コスト, 費用, 単価, ランニング, バジェット
時期 時期, スケジュール, タイムライン, 今すぐ, 来季, ネクストステップ, マイルストーン, 開始, 今週, 来週, 来月, 今月中, 末日, 期末, 今期, 来期, いつ
決済権 決済, 稟議, 決裁, 契約, 役回り, 申請, 承認, プロセス, 意思決定, 最終決裁者, 上申
競合 強み, 競合, 他社, 情報収集, 比較, バッティング, ベンチマーク, 優位, 優位性, 優れる, 劣る, 乗り換え

Check the results of the topic determination

The results of the topic determination are displayed in the meeting history.

You can show or hide the topic by clicking the topic name. You can also click on the topic bar to replay the meeting from the point where the topic was discussed.


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