Automatic call memo (Meeting history)

A call memo can automatically be registered when the meeting history meets the conditions. This feature is useful for efficiently identifying the meeting history that may have issues with the content or quality of the online meeting. You can also set up Slack or email notifications so that you can check the details quickly when a meeting history that meets the conditions is saved to MiiTel Analytics.


Set the automatic call memo

  1. Log in to MiiTel Admin.
  2. Click Call Memo > Call memo settings (meeting)
  3. Check the conditions you want to use and set the value of the conditions you've checked.
  4. Click Save.


1Automatically register a call memo to the meeting history when any of the users integrated with Zoom says negative keywords more than the specified number of times.

2Automatically register a call memo to the meeting history when any of the users integrated with Zoom talks more than the specified percentage during the meeting.

3Automatically register a call memo to the meeting history when the meeting becomes longer than the specified number of minutes.

4Automatically register a call memo to the meeting history when the online meeting ended earlier than the scheduled time.

5Automatically register a call memo to the meeting history when any of the users integrated with Zoom has a lower intonation strength than the specified value in the conditions.

6Automatically register a call memo to the meeting history when any of the users integrated with Zoom has a higher speech rate than the specified value in the conditions.


  •  After you set the conditions for the automatic call memo, MiiTel will be able to register the call memo to the meeting history for all online meetings done afterward.
  •  If you want to use "○○ minute meeting becomes ○○ minutes to ○○ minutes long.", please set the meeting ID to be generated automatically when you create a Zoom meeting.


Search or aggregate the meeting history with the automatic call memo

Receive a Slack notification when the automatic call memo is registered

You can also receive a notification on Slack when the automatic call memo is registered to the meeting history. The notification includes the URL of the meeting history, so you can easily check the history from Slack.

If you would like to receive Slack notifications, please follow the procedures below.

  1. Log in to MiiTel Admin.
  2. Integrate MiiTel and the Slack channel you wish to receive the notification. Please follow the procedures described in Step 1: Slack channel integration.
  3. On the Slack integration page, click Notification rules.
  4. Click Add new notification rule.
  5. Check When the selected call memo is registered (meeting) and select the call memo. You will receive a notification when the selected call memo is registered in the meeting history.


  1. Click Save.


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