In Summary, you can check the real-time data of the details displayed on the real-monitor.
Permissions or subscriptions required
- In order to use this feature, you would need to subscribe to MiiTel Call Center. For more details, please contact your sales representative or customer success.
- Users who have permission to use the dashboard can see the real-time monitor.
There are four areas you can check from Summary.
on the top-left of the screen to check the Summary. To close the Summary, click
Current status
On call: Number of active calls. (Excluding internal calls)
Outgoing calls: Number of calls made by the user. (Out of the number of active calls)
In queue: Number of waiting calls.
(Click the number to check the destination number, incoming call number, and the waiting time after a call enters the queue.)
Maximum waiting time: Longest time of a call that has been waiting in the queue.
Available users: Number of users (in the user list) whose status is Available.
- You can customize the display fields of Current status by clicking Settings > Default display fields for your organization > Summary > Current status.
- For In queue of Current status, you can set an alert that will be displayed in red or yellow when the number of calls in queue exceeds a certain number. This setting can only be configured by users with CC Administrative privileges. (Settings > Alert > In queue (summary))
Today's summary
Incoming calls: Total number of incoming calls answered by the users.
Missed incoming calls: Number of missed calls. (Including voicemails)
Total incoming calls: Total number of incoming calls. (Incoming calls + Missed incoming calls)
Ratio of response: Ratio of incoming calls answered by the users. (Ratio of response = Incoming calls / Missed incoming calls)
Outgoing calls: Number of phone calls made by the users.
Missed outgoing calls: Number of phone calls made by the users in which the receiver did not answer the call.
Ratio of answered calls: Number of outgoing calls / (number of outgoing calls + number of missed outgoing calls) x 100
Repeat call ratio: Ratio of calls received from the same phone number multiple times.
Repeat call ratio = Number of repeat calls / Number of answered calls × 100
(If you received three calls from the same phone number, the number of repeat calls will be 2. If you received four calls, the number of repeat calls will be 3.)
- You can customize the display fields of Current status by clicking Settings > Default display fields for your organization > Summary > Today's summary.
- For Ratio of response, you can set an alert that will be displayed in red or yellow when the ratio is lower than a certain number. This setting can only be configured by users with CC Administrative privileges. (Settings > Alert > Ratio of response)
Queue and call status
The total of on-calls for Current status and queues will be 100%, and you can check the ratio of each status in a pie chart. You can cover your mouse over the chart to check the details (number and ratio) of the status.
User status
You can check the ratio of each status set by the users. The total number of statuses other than Offline or None will be 100%. You can cover your mouse over the chart to check details (number of users and ratio) of the status.
You can click the legend to include or remove the status from the chart.