Scan to Call

Scan to Call is a feature that allows the caller to read the QR code to make a phone call to MiiTel from the web browser. Phone calls made by this feature will not be charged.

Users can make phone calls easily since they just need to scan the QR code, and they don't need to spend time entering the phone number. 

This feature can be used by attaching the QR code to event posters, advertisements, company front desks, etc.

  Permissions or subscriptions required


Create a QR code

  1. Visit and log in to MiiTel Analytics.
  2. Click cog-solid__1_.svg Open MiiTel Admin on the top right of the page.

  3. Click Call Settings > Scan to Call.
  4. Click Create QR Code.
  5. Set the following fields.



1QR code name: Enter the name of the QR code.

2Google Analytics measurement ID: If you want to check the number of visits, outgoing calls, and calls using Google Analytics 4, set the measurement ID.

3Screen viewed by customers: Set the following tabs.

After the user reads the QR code, the web browser will open on the smartphone. Users can also use the keypad for IVR during the call.



  •   The call audio is played by the smartphone's speaker, which may be different depending on the smartphone model.

Set up the incoming call filter and incoming call rule for Scan to Call

After you create a QR code, the circuit for Scan to Call calls will be generated. You can change the circuit name from the settings screen.



You can also set the incoming call filter and incoming call rule for the circuit. For details about the settings, check the following pages.

Check the incoming calls made by Scan to Call

If you receive a phone call with Scan to Call, the caller details will be displayed as Scan to Call. You can also check the caller details on the Call details tab in wide mode.


In the call history, calls made by Scan to Call will be displayed as below.

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In the call history list, you can check the caller details from Operation > Scan to Call details.



Ref: Setting example for measuring the number of visits, outgoing calls, and calls using Google Analytics 4

Below is a setting example for measuring the number of visits, outgoing calls, and calls using Google Analytics 4.

  1. From the left menu in Google Analytics, click Variables.
  2. You will create a new exploration on Google Analytics.
  3. Set all of the following.


  • Exploration name: Enter the title of the exploration.
  • Period: Set the period.
  • Dimensions: Set Page title and Event name.
  • Metrics: Set Event count.

スクリーンショット 2024-06-27 10.15.08.png


  • Technique: Set Free form.
  • Visualization: Set Table.
  • Rows: Drag and drop Page title from Variables.


スクリーンショット 2024-06-27 10.16.20.png

  • Columns: Drag and drop Event name from Variables.
  • Values: Drag and drop Event count from Variables.
  • Filters: Set Event name matches for the conditions and enter the following text:

スクリーンショット 2024-06-27 10.16.58.png


After you have completed the settings, the overall data will be displayed.

(start is the number of outgoing calls, visit is the number of visits, and connected is the number of calls.)



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