How to set up and run a Predictive dialer

With the predictive dialer, you can automatically make calls to a list of phone numbers and connect only the people who answered the call to the available users. Also, you can download the predictive dialer history as CSV to check the percentage of connected calls or create a new list of phone numbers.

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Step 1: Set up the queue

With the predictive dialer, you will call a list of phone numbers you have set up on MiiTel Analytics. If the person on the list answers the call, users will receive a call on MiiTel. However, let's say the number of people who answered is greater than the number of users who are available. For this case, you would need to send automatic voice guidance and make the phone call on hold for the people who need to wait, so you must set up a queue before running the predictive dialer.

  1. Visit and log in to MiiTel Analytics.
  2. Click cog-solid__1_.svg Open MiiTel Admin on the top right of the page.
  3. Click Incoming > Queue.
  4. Click Add new queue.
  5. Set the following fields, then click Save.


1User group: Set the group you want to transfer the call with the queue. You must create a group on User group in MiiTel Admin before creating a new queue.

2Queue name: Enter the title of the queue.

3Description: Enter the description of the queue.

4Call distribution type: Select the order of users to pick up the call.

Call all members

  • All members will receive the call at the same time.
  • The first person that answers the call will be connected.

Call the member with the longest waiting time

  • The person with the longest waiting time for this queue will receive the call. (The time you spent on phone calls outside of this queue will not count as the waiting time.)
  • Even if the ring time goes over the Maximum ring time, the same person will receive the call.
  • If the person cannot pick up the call or clicks Decline, the next person with the longest waiting time will receive the call.
  • Other members (except the person who received the call) will not receive the call.


  •   The data on the waiting time will reset once a day during maintenance hours.

Call the member with the fewest calls

  • The person with the fewest calls for this queue will receive the call. (Phone calls outside of this queue will not count as the number of calls.)
  • Even if the ring time goes over the Maximum ring time, the same person will receive the call.
  • If the person cannot pick up the call or clicks Decline, the next person with the fewest calls will receive the call.
  • Other members (except the person who received the call) will not receive the call.


  •   The data on the number of calls will reset once a day during maintenance hours.

Call randomly

  • One random person will receive the call.
  • If the ring time goes over the Maximum ring time, another person will randomly receive the call.
  • Other members (except the person who received the call) will not receive the call.

Call in order

  • With the order set by the system, one person will receive the call.
  • If the ring time goes over the Maximum ring time, the next person will receive the call.
  • Other members (except the person who received the call) will not receive the call.

5Queue sound: Set the audio file to play while the call is on hold. (You would first need to add a sound on MiiTel Admin.)

6Maximum ring time: The number of seconds the person's phone will ring. (If you set "Call randomly" or "Call in order" for the Call distribution type: If the ring time goes over this number, the next person will receive the call.)

7Maximum wait time: The maximum number of seconds to keep the caller on hold in a queue. If the wait time goes over this number, the call will automatically be disconnected.

8Retry interval (seconds): The number of seconds to wait before calling the next person based on the call distribution type.

9Maximum number of waiting calls: The maximum number of calls that can wait at a time.

Step 2: Set up the predictive dialer

Next, you will set up the predictive dialer by using the queue which you set up in Step 1. You can set it up by simply entering all details on MiiTel Analytics or using a template.


  •  If you want to add phone numbers to the call destination list, click Add and select the CSV file with the new phone numbers. If the file includes phone numbers that are already on the list, you will not be able to add the file.
  •  You can click trash-solid.svg to delete the phone number from the list.


Step 3: Start the predictive dialer

  1. After you have finished setting the predictive dialer, click [▶︎ Start].



  •   If you want to start the predictive dialer which you have created in the past, click Edit > Detail. On the next screen, click [▶︎ Start].
  1. Click [sync-alt-solid.svg Refresh] to check the latest update of the predictive dialer in Status. (If you want to check the call results, click Edit > Detail.)



  •   You can run up to six predictive dialers at the same time.
  •   If you want to stop the predictive dialer, click Cancel.
  •   If you want to continue with the predictive dialer again from where you stopped on the phone number list, click [▶︎ Restart].
  •   If you want to change the settings after the start of the predictive dialer, you can change them by clicking Edit > Detail > Edit.
  •   Eight hours is the maximum time for one predictive dialer. If this time is exceeded, the predictive dialer will automatically stop and an error will be displayed.


  1. After all phone calls to the phone numbers in the list are finished, the status of the predictive dialer will become Completed. (Click [sync-alt-solid.svg Refresh] to check the latest update of the predictive dialer.)


  1. Lastly, you can check which phone numbers you were able to make the call from the predictive dialer. Click Edit > Edit. You can check the status of the call on the right side of the list.
  • check-solid.svg : The phone call was successfully made to the person. (If you click check-solid.svg, you can go to the call history page of this phone call.)
  • No answer: If the call was unanswered within the dial time*1 or the call was rejected.
  • Disconnected: If the person in the queue ended the phone call or the user could not answer the call within the wait time*2.
  • Blank: No call was mad

*1 The number of seconds set in Dial timeout (sec) for the predictive dialer.

*2 The number of seconds set in Maximum wait time for queue settings.



  •   On the call history list, you can also see the history of the predictive dialer. The calls made with the predictive dialer will be displayed as Predictive dialer in User name.


Create a template

  1. Visit and log in to MiiTel Analytics.
  2. Click Predictive dialer clipboard-list-solid.svg.
  3. Click + Create.
  4. Click + Add template.
  5. Set the following fields.


1Name: If you check here, you can save these settings as a template.

2Circuit name: Set the phone number you will use to make the call.

3Queue: Set the queue you set up in Step 1.

4Concurrent call: Set the number of phone calls you can dial simultaneously. (1 to 50 calls)

5Dial timeout (sec): Set the number of seconds of the dial time to call the destination (10 to 360 seconds)

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