If you integrate MiiTel with the Slack channel, you can receive notifications (URL of the integrated MiiTel call history) to your Slack channel.
By integrating MiiTel and Slack, you can check details of a specific call history in Slack and manage your phone calls more efficiently.
For details on how MiiTel (RevComm Inc.) handles customer information, please see Privacy Policy and MiiTel's Operation Environment and Security Policy.
Slack channel integration
- Log in to MiiTel Admin.
- Click Third Party Integration > Slack.
- Click Add to Slack.
- On the top-right, select the Slack workspace you'd like to integrate and set the channel you'd like to receive notifications under Where should MiiTel for Slack post?
- If you don't see the Slack channel you'd like to integrate (after you click Search for a channel...), try searching the channel by directly entering the name of the channel in the box.
- If you are logging in to the Slack workspace for the web browser, MiiTel will ask you for access permission to the Slack workspace.
- How to check the name of the Slack workspace: Please check the red box of the image below. The name displayed in the top-left of Slack is the name of the workspace.
- After you set the channel, click Allow.
- Once you set the integration, the channel that you've integrated will be displayed on the integration settings.
- If you change the name of the Slack channel, the channel name displayed in the Slack integration settings won't change unless you reintegrate.
- On the Slack channel you've integrated, you will receive the following notification.
Delete the Slack channel integration
- Log in to MiiTel Admin.
- Click Third Party Integration > Slack.
- Click
on the channel, you'd like to delete.
- On the confirmation screen, click Delete.