With HubSpot activity integration, users can check the time and type of MiiTel phone calls from HubSpot.
- To use this feature, you'll need to set up the HubSpot integration.
- Only one Hub ID can be integrated with one Company ID.
How to integrate
- Visit https://account.miitel.jp/v1/signin and log in to MiiTel Analytics.
Open MiiTel Admin on the top right of the page.
- Click Third Party Integration > HubSpot
- Click the Activity integration tab.
- Check Enable activity integration.
- Check the fields you like to register to the HubSpot activity, and click Save.
- Do not include hyphens (-) or spaces when registering the phone number to HubSpot. If they are included in the phone number, a Hubspot activity with no related records will be created.
- You will see Include transcription if your organization has Minutes (Beta) enabled. Contact us or customer success if you want to disable or enable Minutes (Beta). After we receive your inquiry, we will change the settings within three business days.
- If there are multiple records for the same phone number, the activities will be registered by the following conditions.
- If you are using MiiTel Phone for HubSpot and make a call to the phone number on the page where MiiTel Phone is activated:
→ Activities will only be registered on the page where MiiTel Phone is activated. - Other than the above
→ Activities will be registered to all records with the same phone number.
- When you add or delete the call memo in the call history, these changes will also be reflected in the activity.
- MiiTel's call history details will be registered in the "=" area. Also, if you add or delete a call memo, the details in this area will be updated. Therefore, if you like to directly add the call memo to the activity, please add the memo outside the "=" area.
The following details can automatically be entered into the activity.
Connected is entered:
・If the other person answers the phone call
No answer is entered:
・If nobody answers the phone call
・Missed phone calls
・If the incoming call gets connected to a voicemail
Outbound is entered:
・If you make a phone call
Inbound is entered:
・If you answer the phone call
・If the incoming call gets connected to a voicemail
- If you check Include call memos, the call memo will be registered to HubSpot's activity after you register or edit the call memo from MiiTel Phone or the call memo screen. (At the same time, other items that have been set up for this integration will also be registered in the activity.)
- If you check Include comments registered during the call, the comment in which you have registered on MiiTel Phone will be registered to HubSpot's activity after the speech recognition is completed. (Comments registered from the call memo screen will not be included in the activity.)