Email Notification

You can receive email notifications when an error occurs in third-party integration services or when the call history CSV file has been downloaded. If you wish to receive email notifications, please change the settings on MiiTel Admin as described below.


How to set up

  1. Visit and log in to MiiTel Analytics.

  2. Click cog-solid__1_.svg Open MiiTel Admin on the top right of the page.

  3. Click Third-Party Integration > Email Notification
  4. Click Add new email setting.
  5. After you set all of the following fields, click Save.


1Email address: Set which email addresses you want to receive notifications. (You can register up to 10 email addresses. Enter them by one email address for each row or separate them by commas.)

2Description: Enter the description of the email settings.

3Circuit name: You can select a specific circuit (phone number) to receive notifications. (If not selected, all circuits will receive notifications.)


  • Send in text type: Check here if you want to receive notifications in text format. (HTML format if unchecked.)
  • Include the speech recognition results (summary): When Speech recognition finished (call) or Speech recognition finished (video) is checked, the summary of the speech recognition results is included in the email with the call history or meeting history details.
  • Include the speech summarization: When Speech summarization finished (call) or Speech summarization finished (video) is checked, the meeting minutes are included in the email with the call history or meeting history details.

5Notification of third-party integration error: Check here if you want to receive notifications when an error occurs on third-party services.

6Notification of call file creation: Check here if you want to receive notifications when the call history CSV file is ready to be downloaded from Storage.

7Notification of video file creation: Check here if you want to receive notifications when the meeting history CSV file is ready to be downloaded from Storage.

8Notification of call history: Check here if you want to receive notifications when the call history for a specific call type is created or when a specific call memo or keyword is registered.

9Notification of meeting: Check here if you want to receive notifications when the speech analysis results or meeting minutes are created or when a specific call memo or keyword is registered.


  •   You must have ChatGPT enabled for creating meeting minutes to set the following for the email notification. If you want to enable this feature, please contact your sales representative or customer support. We will add this feature to your environment within three business days.
    ・Include the speech summarization
    ・Speech summarization finished (call)
    ・Speech summarization finished (video)
  1. You will receive an email titled Notification of email setting created. Click the URL in the email to activate the email notification.


  1. Check if the Confirmation status becomes Confirmed from the following screen. (For users who do not have administrative privileges, please check if Email authentication completed is displayed in MiiTel Analytics.)


If the status is Confirmed, as seen in the image above, you have completed the email notification settings. Also, you will receive a completion email, as shown below.


If an integration error occurs in a service you've set the email notification to, you will receive a notification email, as shown below.

<Example: Notification email for an error in Salesforce integration>



  •   If you are not receiving an email from MiiTel, the following may be the cause of the problem.
  • Your email address might be incorrect.
  • If you have set the correct email address but don't receive any emails, please change the domain settings by adding the <> address to your safe senders' list.
  • For group email addresses like Google Workspace, the email filter settings are usually set to be stricter. Emails that can be delivered to personal accounts without any issues might not be the case for group email addresses, as group members might not be able to see the emails because the emails were sent to the moderation queue. For this case, we recommend you change the filter settings to avoid sending emails to the moderation queue. 
    (Please contact each service provider for details on group email settings.)

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Email Notification