You can set which phone numbers to block for outgoing calls, so users won't be able to make phone calls to the blocked phone numbers.
You can also set the phone numbers and groups to block from making phone calls to the phone numbers in the phone number list (that was set in the outgoing call blocking).
In order to set the outgoing call blocking on MiiTel Admin, you must first make a phone number list, which will include the phone numbers to block outgoing calls.
Therefore, please make a phone number list before you set the outgoing call blocking.
For the incoming call blocking settings, please check Incoming call blocking.
Add the outgoing call blocking setting
- Log in to MiiTel Admin.
- Click Outbound > Outgoing Call Blocking
- Click Add outgoing call blocking setting.
- After you set all of the following fields, click Save.
1Name: Enter the title of the outgoing call blocking setting
2Description: Enter the description of the outgoing call blocking setting
3Target blocked numbers list: Select the phone number list you will block for outgoing calls
4Caller phone number: Set the phone number to block from making phone calls to the phone number list, which you've selected in #3
5Caller group name: Set the group to block from making phone calls to the phone number list, which you've selected in #3
- For this setting, you can set either Caller phone number, Caller group name, or both.
- If you make a phone call to a phone number that is blocked for making outgoing calls, you will hear a voice message saying, "Sorry, the phone number you have dialed, is registered in the block list for outbound calls." then the call itself will end automatically.
Edit the outgoing call blocking setting
- Log in to MiiTel Admin.
- Click Outbound > Outgoing Call Blocking
- Click [
] for the phone number list you want to edit the settings > click Edit.
- After you've edited the details in the following fields, click Save.
1Name: Enter the title of the outgoing call blocking setting
2Description: Enter the description of the outgoing call blocking setting
3Target blocked numbers list: Select the phone number list you will block for outgoing calls
4Caller phone number: Set the phone number to block from making phone calls to the phone number list, which you've selected in #3
5Caller group name: Set the group to block from making phone calls to the phone number list, which you've selected in #3
- For this setting, you can set either the Caller phone number, Caller group name, or both.
- If you make a phone call to a phone number that is blocked for making outgoing calls, you will hear a voice message saying, "The number you entered is invalid. Please check the number and try again." then the call itself will end automatically.
Delete the outgoing call blocking setting
- Log in to MiiTel Admin.
- Click Outbound > Outgoing Call Blocking
- Click [
] for the phone number list you want to delete the settings > click Delete.
- After you've checked the details, click Delete.