You can make a phone number list to set which phone numbers you will block for making outgoing calls or receiving incoming calls.
Also, you can use this phone number list to set the outgoing call blocking and incoming call blocking.
- You won't be able to set the outgoing call blocking and incoming call blocking on this page. Please set the outgoing call blocking and incoming call blocking after making a phone number list.
Add a phone number list
- Log in to MiiTel Admin.
- Click Call Settings > Phone Number List
- Click Add new phone numbers list.
- After you set all of the following fields, click Save.
1Name: Enter the title of the phone number list.
2Description: Enter the description of the phone number list.
3Phone numbers: Enter the phone numbers you wish to add to this list.
4Phone number matching: Select the phone number matching method.
Exact match: If the entered number and the phone number are an exact match, the phone number will be subject to the list.
Forward Match: If the entered number and the first numbers of the phone number matches, the entire phone number will be subject to the list.
5Add "No Caller ID" to "Phone numbers": Check here if you want to create a phone number list that will be used for incoming calls from "No caller ID" or outgoing calls made from phone numbers set as "No caller ID".
- In Name, you can enter up to 50 characters.
- In Phone numbers, enter the phone numbers without hyphens.
- In Phone numbers, enter one phone number in each row.
- In Phone Numbers, you can save up to 5,000 phone numbers.
Edit the phone number list
- Log in to MiiTel Admin.
- Click Call Settings > Phone Number List
- Click [
] on the phone number list you want to edit > click Edit.
- After you edit the list, click Save.
See "Add a phone number list" for details on each setting item.
Delete the phone number list
- Log in to MiiTel Admin.
- Click Call Settings > Phone Number List
- Click [
] on the phone number list you want to delete > click Delete.
- After you've checked the details, click Delete.
- After you delete a phone number list, the same list will also be deleted from outgoing call blocking and incoming call blocking.