Change the language or timezone

This page explains how to change the language or timezone.


Change the language

You can change the language from MiiTel Analytics and MiiTel Admin.

Change the timezone

You can change the timezone from MiiTel Analytics and MiiTel Admin.

What happens after you change the language or timezone

The changes will apply to the following services.


  • MiiTel Admin
  • MiiTel Analytics
  • MiiTel Call Center
  • MiiTel Phone (except MiiTel Phone Mobile)
  • If the language setting is set to Bahasa Indonesia, MiiTel Analytics and MiiTel Call Center will be displayed in English.


  • MiiTel Analytics
    • The date and time included in the following CSV files (created from Storage) will be displayed with the new timezone.
      • Call history (list)
      • Video history
      • Video history (by participant)
    • The date and time included in the CSV file that has the update of the predictive dialer will be displayed with the new timezone.


  •   The new timezone will not be applied to the schedule of creating the CSV file. To change the timezone, create a new schedule after you change the settings on MiiTel Analytics or MiiTel Admin.

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