Download the video history list (meeting history list) as CSV

You can download the meeting history list for a specific period by CSV. This CSV file includes the meeting history URL, meeting details, summary made by generative AI, keywords, etc.

  Permissions or subscriptions required

Download the meeting history list as CSV

  1. Visit and log in to MiiTel Analytics.
  2. Click Storage file-alt-light.svg.
  3. Click [+ Create].
  4. Set the following fields.


1Type: Set the type of history you would like to download.

2Period: Set the period of the history you want to include in the CSV file.

3Encoding: Select the character encoding for the CSV file.

4Locale: Set the language of each field in the CSV file (Japanese or English).


  •  If you cannot select Video history or Video history (by participant) for Type, check with the MiiTel administrator to see if you have permission to download the meeting history as CSV.
    1. Click [+ Create].
    2. After the Process state changes from Waiting to Completed, click cloud-download-alt-solid.svg to download the CSV file.


  •   To check the latest processing update on the storage page, refresh the page by clicking sync-alt-solid.svg.


  •   Depending on the period, it may take some time for the CSV file to be ready. In this case, you can set up an email notification to get notified when the file is ready.

Name and details of each column in the CSV file

The details of the CSV file are different for Video history and Video history (by participant).

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